
miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013


So, life since Sunday has been a little boring.  Everyone's midterms were this week, so no one was really up for doing anything.  I spent the past two days studying for my two exams, and I think they both went well!  I think the only exciting thing that happened to me is that Pablo asked me to play with him, so we did, we played with his Thomas the Tank Engine and train track!  It was pretty fun, and he's finally talking to me (sometimes) which is good!

Reading on la playa!
Life was a bit exciting after exams today.  I went to the Valencia beach with Jordan and Will!  First time to the beach in Valencia, and it was fun.  Although the weather was a tad chilly, the sun decided to come out for us :) and the water was really nice (I thought it'd be cold!)  The Mediterranean Sea is soo much nicer than the Atlantic Ocean (Sorry OCNJ), but I was in up to my shoulders and could still see my feet, the sand, and my shadow cast on the ocean floor.  So different from Ocean City.  And there were barely any people out (granted it was 4 o'clock on a Wednesday, but still!)  And maybe the best part was that Jordan and I didn't get lost on the bus ride back (we kinda just jumped on a bus and hoped for the best... and the best worked out!  Woohoo (although I really wouldn't have minded being lost in Valencia, maybe another time).

Jose y Pablo
Since I don't have anything more exciting to share, I thought now would be a good time to tell everyone about where I'm living and my host family.  First things first, they're great! :)  Natalia es my madre while I'm here, and she is awesome.  Natalia works from home, meaning every day I come home from class to a delicious home cooked dinner.  She always goes out of her way for me, and I'm invited to every family function, which is super nice (I even get to see Pablo's end of the year show!).  Jose Manuel is her husband, and he's an engineer!!  He works everyday pretty late (he's working on a project at the prison), but is always home for dinner (oftentimes he cooks it too) and is home on the weekends.  Both are really patient with
Natalia y Pablo
 me and take time to explain things, repeat themselves, slow down, or if I'm really clueless, they might know the word in English!  Pablo is their three year old son.  He's adorable, but is still a bit timid.  He doesn't always want to talk to me (he thinks I'll make him talk in English since he's starting to learn in school), but he is always up for playing!  And he does say a few things for me (for example, every night before he goes to bed I get like 50 "buenas noches, hasta mañana," and before I'm about to leave the house he says "buh bye").  During the day Pablo is at school, but after school he'll go to the park or the pool or somewhere fun with Natalia (and sometimes me) before coming home to shower, eat dinner, play some, and go to bed.

View out the living room window
So where am I living?  Well, like most Valencians, I am living in one of the gazillion apartment buildings.  Yes, I mean gazillion.  Every street has shops on the bottom and at least 4 stories of apartment buildings on top.  Most have more.  I think my building has 8 or 9 floors (and there's a preschool below us).  My apartment is on the first floor, and it has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a storage room, and a patio (perks of being the first floor).  The set up is basically one big hallway with all the doors to the rooms on the right side of the hall (with a few exceptions to that rule - the patio is attached to the kitchen behind my bathroom and Pablo's room is at the end of the hall).  While here, I have my own bedroom and my own bathroom!  Imagine that (I've never had either to myself before!)

My room!
In my room, there's a wardrobe/closet, a bed (of course) a night table, and a huge desk (Natalia's brother and sister-in-law are both architects and it's one of their old desks).  I think it's the perfect size, cause it's not too big and not too small!  I also have a little window so I can look out into the patio.  And probably my favorite part of the room is the light switch that is right above my pillow.  That's right, I can lay in bed reading and don't have to get up to turn out the light!  Best idea ever!  The bathroom is pretty big for being all to myself.  There's two sinks and a bathtub/shower, with a separate divider for the toilet and bidet.  While I thought I'd miss having a roommate (or even housemate, like some students do), I'm finding that I like having my own room.  But I know sharing again will come, so I'm going to relish it while I can (is that an English saying?  Every day my English gets worse, and I don't actually know if my Spanish is getting better... here's hoping!)

So yeah, that's a bit about where I am and who I'm living with!  Next on my list to tell you about, the school!!  But that will have to wait for another time ;) Buenas noches!

PS Here's a picture of a roundabout that I promised awhile ago!  Notice how there aren't lines marking the lanes.  In rush hour, there would be about 4 or 5 "lanes" of cars here.

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