
martes, 18 de junio de 2013

El martes

Panorama of Valencia!

It's my last week here (have I said that enough times), so today I wasted absolutely no time going places after class!  After eating a bocadillo (a sandwich on delicious bread), Jordan, Will and I headed out to L'Almonia.  L'Almonia is an archaeological sight where there are ancient Roman ruins underneath the city streets.  Initially found after demolishing some houses to expand la Catedral, the discovery of these ruins halted the expansion project and turned the sight into a museum.  Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures in the museum (although they said nothing about touching anything or climbing onto the ruins... priorities?), but it was still neat to go see.  At pretty much every point there was a video playing of what the
Basílica de la Virgen de los
 sight would have looked like way back in Roman times.  This was super helpful and made me wonder what the city was like years and years ago (when the city was called Valentia).

After L'Almonia (probably the lowest point in Valencia), we went to one of the highest points in the city, the Torres de Serranos.  But first, we stopped at the Basílica de la Virgen de los Desamparados.  Remember this patroness from las Fallas entry?  This is where she sits most of the time and where people can come and pray to her!

Torres de los Serranos
The Torres de Serranos were one of the original entrances to the city when there was a wall around it, but today stand by their lonesome selves awaiting visitors to climb to the top.  I had been
wanting to do this for awhile, and today couldn't have been better day for picture taking!  When we got to the top, the view of the city was incredible!  You could see everything, and more!  It was fun picking out the places I had been.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for long because I had to run to IVAM with my art class.  IVAM is the Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, so of course my class on modern art had to go.  This museum has things that are from today's artists, and the exhibits change every 15 days (with the art being rotated through several big cities).  The exhibits were a little on the strange side, but still pretty neat, and I liked the museum overall!  Below are a few of my favorite exhibits!

 After IVAM, I couldn't go home without trying a Kinder Egg!  Yup, I got the chocolate and the prize inside! Ryan and I walked to the Plaza de la Reina before heading home, so we both stopped for this snack (well,
Kinder Surprise!
 he got horchata and fartons instead).  The Kinder Egg was super yummy (it's chocolate, for me chocolate's always yummy!)  I'll probably get another one before I go, meaning I will get a second one.  I wonder what that prize will be.

Tomorrow I have another few things lined up, before studying for my exams.  Be on the lookout for what adventures come next!

Valencian flag at the Torres de Serranos

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